JSIP: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)(August-January)
In Progress - This edition is a work in progress but contains finalized and fully citable articles. -
JSIP: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)(February-July)
In Progress - This edition is a work in progress but contains finalized and fully citable articles. -
JSIP: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)This issue has been available online since August 31, 2023. All articles in this issue (20 articles) include authors from 2 countries of origin (Indonesia and the Philippines).
JSIP: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)Volume 4 Number 1 of the 2023 JSIP: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan is a scholarly publication containing 20 research articles and literature studies in Indonesia's government and public management field. The research theme for this volume is "Public Governance and Management in Indonesia: Policies, Practices, and Impact". These articles cover various aspects of government policies and practices and their impacts on society and the environment in Indonesia. JSIP contributes significantly to the development of government studies in Indonesia and supports efforts to improve the quality of government and public management in the country.